Research Projects (selection)

  1. Structure of Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous ecosystems of Greece; management prospects (1986-1989), General Secretariat of Research, (Coordinator).
  2. Formation of a Data Bank for the natural Environment of Greece (1989-1993), EEC (senior researcher).
  3. Drought effects on vegetation and soil degradation in Mediterranean countries (1990 -1993), EEC, DG XII, (Senior researcher).
  4. The post-fire legume flora and its role in the recovery of Mediterranean ecosystems after fire (1993-1995), General Secretariat of Research, (Coordinator).
  5. Management techniques for optimization of suppression and minimization of wildfire effects “PROMETHEUS”, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT, EV5V-CT94-0482 (1994-1996), (Partner).
  6. Modelling vegetation dynamics and degradation in Mediterranean ecosystems, “MODMED”, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT, EV5V-CT94-0489, (1994-1996), (Partner).
  7. Effects of fire on natural Mediterranean ecosystems – Bilateral agreement Greece and Spain (1994-1996), General Secretariat of Research, (Coordinator).
  8. Modelling vegetation dynamics and degradation in Mediterranean ecosystems, “MODMED”, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT, ENV4-CT95-0139, (1996-1997), (Partner).
  9. Risk assessment for desertification after fire (1996-1998), General Secretariat of Research, (Coordinator).
  10. An integrated methodology for projecting the impact of climate change and human activity on soil erosion and ecosystem degradation in the Mediterranean: a climatological and dynamic systems approach, “ERMES II”, EU, DG XII, ENVIR. & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT95-0181, (1996-1998), (Partner).
  11. Land Use Change Interactions with Fire in Mediterranean Landscapes, “LUCIFER”, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT96-0320, (1996-2000), (Partner).
  12. Modelling Mediterranean Ecosystems Dynamics, ModMED, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT97-0680, 1998-2001, (Partner).
  13. PROMETHEUS system validation, ‘PROMETHEUS S.V.’, EU, DG XII, ENVIR. & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT98-0716, 1998 – 2000, (Partner).
  14. Definition and creation of a common knowledge base for Forest Fires (DELFI), Concerted Action, EU, DG XII, 1999, (Expert).
  15. The role of mycorrhizas in the Mediterranean plant communities of Greece, Joint Research Programme Greece and Scotland, 1999-2000, (Coordinator).
  16. PROMETHEUS system validation, ‘PROMETHEUS S.V.’, EU, DG XII, ENVIR. & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT98-0716, 1998 – 2000, (Partner)
  17. Forest Fire Spread Prevention and Mitigation (SPREAD), EU, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, EVG1-2001-00027, 2002 – 2005, (Partner)
  18. ΕUFIRELAB, a walless laboratory, EU, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, EVR1-CT-2002-40028, 2002 – 2006, (Partner)
  19. PHOENIX. The European Forest Institute (EFI) Project, (2005-2009), (Partner, Management Committee)
  20. Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE), SSPI-CT-2003-511202, EU, Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development, & Demonstration Activities, (2005 – 2008), (Partner, responsible for the plant taxa),
  21. Spatial patterns of post-fire recovery of Pinus halepensis forests, Ministry of Education, 2005-2006, (Coordination).
  22. Ecology and Conservation the endemic Abies cephalonica communities in Mt Parnitha and Cephalonia the National Parks, General Secretariat of Research, PENED 2003, 2004-2008, (Coordinator)
  23. The plants of Cyprus: an integrated progam for educating students and teachers in ecology and environmental awareness (2006-2009). Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus (KOIN/0506), Partner).
  24. Biological Indicators of conservation status in burned mountain forest communities of Peloponnese, WWF Hellas, 2008-2010, (Coordinator).
  25. Monitoring conservation status of Abies cephalonica in Ainos National Park, 2009, (Coordinator)
  26. Phoenix Project Center,, European Forest Institute (EFI), 2005-2012 (Steering committee)
  27. Post-fire effects and management in Southern Europe, FP0701, COST Action, 2009-2013, (Vice Chair),
  28. Forest Fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world (FUME), [Forest fires in the context of climate and social changes] Large Scale ΙP, FP7, ENV. Grant number: 243888, 2010-2014, (Partner, Steering Committee)
  29. European Information System for Alien Species, Alien Challenge, COST Action TD 1209, 2013-2017, (Management committee).
  30. MEDiteranean forests In Transitions (MEDIT), 2013-2016. Scientific supervisor, Post-doc research grant to Dr N. Fyllas
  31. «MedWildfire Lab Global change Impacts on Wildland Fire Behaviour and Uses in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems, towards a wall less laboratory», 2015-2017, FORESTERRRA, Ministry of the Environment (Coordinator).
  32. European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN), 2014-2015, Member of the editorial board for plants.
  33. Ministry of the Environment. National Adaptation to Climate Change. Policies across sectors. Bank of Greece. 2017. Responsible for Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
  34. Development of large scale spatial data (1:5000) for the terrestrial protected Natura 2000 network sites of Greece & Monitoring of conservation status of priority habitat types in Greece, 2014-2017, (Partner).
  35. Restoring damages from the fires in Chios island and integrated management plan for environmental protection of the island, 2017-2018, Region of North Aegean, (Partner)
  36. European Information System for Alien Species, Alien Challenge, COST Action TD 1209, (2013-2017)