Research Projects (selection)
- Structure of Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous ecosystems of Greece; management prospects (1986-1989), General Secretariat of Research, (Coordinator).
- Formation of a Data Bank for the natural Environment of Greece (1989-1993), EEC (senior researcher).
- Drought effects on vegetation and soil degradation in Mediterranean countries (1990 -1993), EEC, DG XII, (Senior researcher).
- The post-fire legume flora and its role in the recovery of Mediterranean ecosystems after fire (1993-1995), General Secretariat of Research, (Coordinator).
- Management techniques for optimization of suppression and minimization of wildfire effects “PROMETHEUS”, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT, EV5V-CT94-0482 (1994-1996), (Partner).
- Modelling vegetation dynamics and degradation in Mediterranean ecosystems, “MODMED”, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT, EV5V-CT94-0489, (1994-1996), (Partner).
- Effects of fire on natural Mediterranean ecosystems – Bilateral agreement Greece and Spain (1994-1996), General Secretariat of Research, (Coordinator).
- Modelling vegetation dynamics and degradation in Mediterranean ecosystems, “MODMED”, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT, ENV4-CT95-0139, (1996-1997), (Partner).
- Risk assessment for desertification after fire (1996-1998), General Secretariat of Research, (Coordinator).
- An integrated methodology for projecting the impact of climate change and human activity on soil erosion and ecosystem degradation in the Mediterranean: a climatological and dynamic systems approach, “ERMES II”, EU, DG XII, ENVIR. & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT95-0181, (1996-1998), (Partner).
- Land Use Change Interactions with Fire in Mediterranean Landscapes, “LUCIFER”, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT96-0320, (1996-2000), (Partner).
- Modelling Mediterranean Ecosystems Dynamics, ModMED, EU, DG XII, ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT97-0680, 1998-2001, (Partner).
- PROMETHEUS system validation, ‘PROMETHEUS S.V.’, EU, DG XII, ENVIR. & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT98-0716, 1998 – 2000, (Partner).
- Definition and creation of a common knowledge base for Forest Fires (DELFI), Concerted Action, EU, DG XII, 1999, (Expert).
- The role of mycorrhizas in the Mediterranean plant communities of Greece, Joint Research Programme Greece and Scotland, 1999-2000, (Coordinator).
- PROMETHEUS system validation, ‘PROMETHEUS S.V.’, EU, DG XII, ENVIR. & CLIMATE, ENV4-CT98-0716, 1998 – 2000, (Partner)
- Forest Fire Spread Prevention and Mitigation (SPREAD), EU, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, EVG1-2001-00027, 2002 – 2005, (Partner)
- ΕUFIRELAB, a walless laboratory, EU, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, EVR1-CT-2002-40028, 2002 – 2006, (Partner)
- PHOENIX. The European Forest Institute (EFI) Project, (2005-2009), (Partner, Management Committee)
- Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE), SSPI-CT-2003-511202, EU, Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development, & Demonstration Activities, (2005 – 2008), (Partner, responsible for the plant taxa),
- Spatial patterns of post-fire recovery of Pinus halepensis forests, Ministry of Education, 2005-2006, (Coordination).
- Ecology and Conservation the endemic Abies cephalonica communities in Mt Parnitha and Cephalonia the National Parks, General Secretariat of Research, PENED 2003, 2004-2008, (Coordinator)
- The plants of Cyprus: an integrated progam for educating students and teachers in ecology and environmental awareness (2006-2009). Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus (KOIN/0506), Partner).
- Biological Indicators of conservation status in burned mountain forest communities of Peloponnese, WWF Hellas, 2008-2010, (Coordinator).
- Monitoring conservation status of Abies cephalonica in Ainos National Park, 2009, (Coordinator)
- Phoenix Project Center,, European Forest Institute (EFI), 2005-2012 (Steering committee)
- Post-fire effects and management in Southern Europe, FP0701, COST Action, 2009-2013, (Vice Chair),
- Forest Fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world (FUME), [Forest fires in the context of climate and social changes] Large Scale ΙP, FP7, ENV. Grant number: 243888, 2010-2014, (Partner, Steering Committee)
- European Information System for Alien Species, Alien Challenge, COST Action TD 1209, 2013-2017, (Management committee).
- MEDiteranean forests In Transitions (MEDIT), 2013-2016. Scientific supervisor, Post-doc research grant to Dr N. Fyllas
- «MedWildfire Lab Global change Impacts on Wildland Fire Behaviour and Uses in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems, towards a wall less laboratory», 2015-2017, FORESTERRRA, Ministry of the Environment (Coordinator).
- European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN), 2014-2015, Member of the editorial board for plants.
- Ministry of the Environment. National Adaptation to Climate Change. Policies across sectors. Bank of Greece. 2017. Responsible for Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
- Development of large scale spatial data (1:5000) for the terrestrial protected Natura 2000 network sites of Greece & Monitoring of conservation status of priority habitat types in Greece, 2014-2017, (Partner).
- Restoring damages from the fires in Chios island and integrated management plan for environmental protection of the island, 2017-2018, Region of North Aegean, (Partner)
- European Information System for Alien Species, Alien Challenge, COST Action TD 1209, (2013-2017)